Louis Alphonse Poitevin
Poitevin – The Rediscovery of an Alchemist
Daniel Blau is pleased to present Louis Alphonse Poitevin: outstanding inventor, chemist,
engineer, researcher, artist and photographer.
For more than 35 years Poitevin (1819-1882) experimented with chemical and mechanical processes to make photographic images printable and durable. Poitevin recognized early on
how important photography would be to illustrate printed books. He developed the first applicable methods, the implementation of which made the printing of photographically
illustrated books possible in the first place. Presenting 47 rare photographs, this exhibition of Alphonse Poitevin’s work offers the opportunity for an in-depth view into some of his most prescient inventions in photography.
Poitevin is remembered today most for establishing the fundamental principles of four nonsilver process families: photolithography, collotype, dichromate relief systems, and the carbon pigment process. His inventions refined existing techniques and made the mechanical reproduction of images and thus, the illustration of printed books, possible.
The publication offers the unique opportunity to take a comprehensive look at the life and work of the famous pioneer of photography using a large number of different photographs
and the latest cutting-edge-technology research results. The volume brings together photographs and the results of experiments that provide a comprehensive insight into Poitevin’s work and place his achievements in both a technical and an art-historical context.
Alphonse Poitevin here at last receives some of the attention he deserves.
Available to order!
Daniel Blau
Maximilianstr. 26
80539 Munich
Published by:
Hirmer Publishers
Bayerstr. 57-59
80335 Munich
Printed and bound by Pelo-Druck Lohner oHG
Paper content: Tauro 120 g/m2
Paper cover: Flexcover, Gardamatt 350g/m2
84 pages, 97 illustrations
25,0×18,5cm, softcover
ISBN: 978-3-7774-3747-7
€ 29,90
Published: 2021
Copyright: all illustrations © Daniel Blau, Munich
Text: Martin Jürgens, Katharina Rohmeder
Layout: Christiane Wunsch
Editor: Robert Isaf
Order your copy exclusivly here: contact@danielblau.com
or via Hirmer Publishers