Exploring Beauty

December 2, 2006 – December 31, 2006


From time immemorial, mankind has dreamt of exploring space. In the 1960s, it finally became possible to observe the universe not only from the surface of our planet but, thanks to space travel, from outside of the Earth’s atmosphere. As very few people were given the opportunity to make the trip, however, these moments of immense significance for the whole human race were photographed for documentary purposes. From 2 to 31 December, Galerie Daniel Blau is proud to be showing photographs which document man’s very first ventures into space.


The images exhibited are extremely rare, being contemporary original vintage prints of pictures taken by ‘photographers’ like Neil Armstrong.


In addition to prints showing the surface of the moon and other heavenly bodies, we are presenting the first photographs of the Earth ever to be taken from space — images which revolutionized our whole way of seeing the world.


The graceful, other-worldly beauty of the prints makes them true works of art. They play with, and even change, viewing habits when they show white land against a black sky; the viewer watches fascinated as undreamed-of landscapes unfold before him.


In addition to countless black-and-white prints, we are also showing some particularly rare colour photographs and outsized formats.